Dark Leafy Greens for St. Patrick’s Day

by  Autumn — March 16, 2018

March is the month of all the green things! Green buds are springing from the earth, green beer is flowing, and (hopefully) you’re eating lots of other greens every day too. There are so many vibrant green vegetables to choose from that you can incorporate into your diet, and there are so many reasons to do just that. Dark leafy greens come in varieties that are small and punchy (arugula, spinach) as well as big and hearty (collards, chard, kale). I often get asked which is better, but the truth is that they are ALL beneficial in their own ways, so I always encourage my clients to focus on variety and finding ones that they enjoy. After all, if you actually like it, it’s a lot more likely you’ll eat it and reap the full benefits.

In general, dark leafy greens are packed full of nutrition including plant-based iron (blood flow and oxygenation!), calcium (strong healthy bones and heart function!), B vitamins (energy and metabolism!), antioxidants (cancer-fighting!), and fiber (happy gut microbiome!). If you can work to sprinkle these in a little bit each day, think of all the added bonuses you’ll be getting without even trying very hard. I usually strive to get dark, leafy greens in at least 2 of my 3 meals each day. It doesn’t always happen, but it’s a small goal I have for myself that keeps them at the forefront of my mind.

As it turns out, they are really easy to squeeze into your day too; think about trying chard or collard wraps for your sandwich, adding in handfuls to any stir-fry you make, making a green smoothie for breakfast or a snack, wilting them into scrambled eggs, or topping your tacos with something darker than iceberg lettuce. Give it a shot and you might be surprised just how much green you’ll be enjoying all year long!